From the President Desk

Dear Friends,

            We are constantly working for empowerment of women of the weaker  section of the society since January 2012. The Dreamt day came and we had a beautiful rented premises A/C equipped with fieen desired class of children of special needs, few a bit retarded and five from poorest of the poor families. Our team was ready to embrace them and decided to take care of all their needs, educational as well as health and social. We vowed to go ahead with a meagre instant Contribution of Rupees 5000/- each by all the executive members and a Compulsory perpetual monthly contribution of Rupees 1000/- ahead. We have but to appreciate the zeal and enthuse of our friends. Thus the Caravan moved on and on.

Besides this many philanthropic people of the area came forward to help us out in persuation of the noble cause. Heartiest thanks and bravo to them all.

Sincerely yours.

Prof. Abdul Matin


The General Secretary’s Submission

Dear well-wishers,

          I cannot express in words my joys over our achievements of “BEING A WOMAN” Cherished goals. For the last six years we have been contributing regularly to health checkup camps, free eye operation camps and Various Literacy and small Commercial Craft trainings besides several seminars to inculcate general awareness for women of the weaker section of the Society. While I express my gratitude to all our well wishers and Governing Body members for all our performances in the past as well as our achievements and goals ahead we have to reach to. We pray the Allmighty to help us out of all the bole-necks ahead in the pursuit of our noble Cause and bestow upon us and our kith and kin with His GRACE.

Last but not the least, we must mention here that financial Stringency Very often grips us and to avert this we have but to expand our circle of philanthropic friends, and to reach maximum of such people. We shall move door to door to pick them out.

Thanks to all our well-wishers, governing Body members, Volunteers, Donors and all our team members. Last but not the least we express our gratude for extra ordinary co-operation extended to “Being a Woman” in our various pursuits by the authorities of the Al-Shifa Multspeciality Hospital, Abul Fazal Enclave-I, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025

Yours Sincerely

Farina Samad

General Secretary.